
Post-Lucille pizza delivery Glenn?

Except Corporal Hicks said it, not Private Hudson.

He said he was born there in 1935. I thought he said 75 the first time too.

A ballet that ends with a compound fracture maybe.

I say that the twist at the end and the way it is handled is so mind-numbingly stupid, that all of the "pretty good" stuff leading up to it is retroactively garbage.

Are we talking about the same film, where they flee the city to cow country to get away from trees and then try to outrun the wind? I hadn't been so mad at a movie since I saw The Village.

Oh right — the studios would never go for a derivative script.

Why couldn't it just be uploaded to a website? Like Google+? Oh right, people have to go to the site to see it. And instead of hunting down a dozen iPads (where hilarity is sure to ensue), they'd have to go around hacking into DNS servers and messing with the postman's hosts file (he runs Linux on the Desktop of

Siri: "Ok. Here are some results on the web that I found:
Homo reefer more Mr. Seaver one knock.
Sow dojo even wee see far on a log.
How to do your former seeing eye dog…"

Deadbeat Dad Beat Dead