
Kelly McGillis’s self-deprecation aside, I find her mature, reasoned attitude and presence of a soul to be much more appealing than whatever creepy closet-dwelling freakshow Tom Cruise has to offer. I wonder how much money he has to earn now as Scientology’s main revenue stream?

She looks lovely and far more human than the reanimated corpses wandering across our screen now. I see a photo of Reese Witherspoon these days and I feel like Chief Iron Eyes Cody...

Mocking this guy because he flew only 20 miles is a very weird take.

Except the Nolan trilogy IS influenced by the comics? Batman: Year One and the Long Halloween are both acknowledged as influences by the writers among other stories. Catwoman had basically nothing to do with the comic character or any of her existing stories, and that seems to be what the director is saying will be

He found out that there was a woman in the room in New Hampshire who is not Mother.

The reason is that the chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council was an advisor on Trump’s campaign.

I just want to shout from the rooftop about how yes, these are exactly concentration camps. The only thing they aren’t doing is executing them, which is not necessary for the term to be correct.

Speaking from experience, no matter how bad or wrong the other party was, focusing on self-reflection in the wake of an acrimonious incident is not only the smart and healthy thing to do, it’s really the only thing you can do.  The other party’s either going to do the same thing or not, bu you have no power over that,

Fuck Mike Cernovich.

It’s funny as I’ve had almost the opposite reaction. I loved Endgame and am super interested to see where they’re going with stuff next! Homecoming is also one of my favourite Marvel movies so I’m all in on Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.

No one yelled gratuitous when a whole bunch of men showed up.

Hold steady is something a leader would tell his troops before giving the attack order, though.

Maybe but I know a lot of people that saw it this weekend already and loved it and are planning second viewings. Also know a couple of people who have already seen it twice.

And of course, sticking it to the assholes still insisting that being “woke” is going to kill the franchise.

The MCU took its time and had 22 movies to develop the plot and characters. We’ve had 10 years to get to know these characters and get invested in them so that what happens in Endgame has real impact.

This has nothing to do with whether or not you love Avengers movies, but I have to ask: why should anybody who isn’t making a penny off of these movies give a fat fuck how much money they earn?? I’m dumbfounded every time people start hyperventilating over some movie’s box office. My junior high school friends and I

It is also very VERY intentionally diverse.

Fans are going to watch this thing multiple times in the theater.

Cheers in my audience, loudest to quietest:

I’m about to leave for a month of travel in Africa, and since I want to actually be able to use the internet while I’m there, I hauled my ass to an 8 am showing this morning. Maybe it’s just the endorphins, but I really enjoyed it. Some random thoughts: