
I agree that Nolan does drab realism very well and, based on his mission to tell more grounded “realistic” Batman stories, it was the right choice for those movies at that time. My point was that his style was a little to influential for the early MCU and I’m glad they are moving away from it.

I like the way he emphasizes “FAT LADY”, like he’s calling Thanos a fat lady. Oh man, there’s no infinity stone that’ll heal that sick burn.

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad Infinity War!

I’m so glad that, starting with GotG, Marvel started moving away from the Nolan-inspired drab realism in their color palette to something approaching “Full Kirby”. I hope this file follows suit in that respect.

This trailer makes me as hyped for Black Panther as it does for Avengers 3.

Fun Fact: the final infinity stone is the eye-strain stone.

Can you blame them? They have a lot of money invested in “Hobo With A Shotgun 2: Son of a Bum”

That was exactly my concern with Civil War. Frankly I didn’t see how they could cram that many supers into a single movie - including introducing two new ones - and have it make a damn bit of sense. But (IMO) they nailed it. Given that this is directed by the same guys, I remain cautiously optimistic.

Oh, fuck that.

Yeah. It felt like it was straying into lazy “nerds are dumb” territory. And we already have Big Bang Theory for that shit.

And I liked her better when she was defeating a Nazi invasion of Britian with magic.

I’ve been avoiding discussing all this with my wife because she was raped by a “friend of the family” at 13 and I don’t want to trigger her PTSD, but she brought up 2017's Gropepocolypse (my phrase, not hers) and I was suprised to find she was pretty unsympathetic to women coming forth after 20 or 30 years to tell

Jebus! This show has a severely hard time getting itself to the goddamned fireworks factory.

I loved her too... until I found out she’d snogged a lesser Hemsworth brother.

I’m impressed that even a too-stupid-to-exist character like Jason consistently gets huge laughs just based on Manny Jacinto’s line readings. 

While Brooklyn 99 is a great sitcom, precinct comedies are nothing new. The Good Place is something new and special, IMHO.

I’d prefer to celebrate by running over 5 workmen with a runaway trolley.

I’m hoping the 13 episode seasons give them enough breathing space to keep this thing going for at least 5 seasons.

Well, Eleanor ain’t wrong!

Not supervillians; more like well-meaning, but emotionally stunted nitwits who were all too willing to throw their children’s lives into turmoil to pursue their latest romantic entanglements.

(And they wonder why I didn’t want children)

You won’t hear a Peep outta me!