
I think of TDCS as sort-of, kind-of the American Network Television equivalent of The Sex Pistols: not actually very good, but bracing and exciting in how completely dedicated they were to immolating themselves and pissing on any corporate entity willing to give them a chance.

To quote Sarah Silverman: “They named it 300 because that’s how gay it is on a scale from one to ten.”

I’ve watched The Core thinking it might be so bad it’s good.

Nope. It’s just bad.

... Then the Germans install a microscopic car/transmitter to listen in on a terrorist’s plans in 2020's Volkswagon Bug.

For a point of comparison; ALL of Shakespeare’s plays were rewrites of previous works. Originality is overrated. Execution is all!

Back in the 80s I wrote “I want the one I can’t have and it’s driving me mad” all over my face. I was Morrisey! Get it? Yeah, no one else did either.

Perhaps when it is done he’ll do a year by year restrospective of Movies Where There’s A Talking Pet Or Something.

Agreed. Paul is turning into a real asshole but he is essentially correct, Lindsay is fucking awful and is the cause of her own misery.

I don’t know about that. There actually were communist spies working in America during the Red Scare of the 40s and 50s but a lot of innocent lives were ruined by people running going nutso with the fingerpointing. I would like to think there is a happy medium between ruining people’s lives based on hearsay and rumor

Maybe one could spin it as a Ashkenazi v Sephardi thing, if one was a total asshole.

At least it resembles a “Professional” POV porn film with all the fine production values, solid acting and gratuitous ATM action.

Wouldn’t it be more of a “Mansplaining” thing if this Stanley dude was saying how a woman’s vagina is like the temple at the start of Raiders and the woman was like “Noooooo, it’s more like a fun house being used for a smugglers hideout in an episode of Scooby Doo” and Stanley was like, “Hey, I have a degree in

Related to the Japanese Body Pillow: I’ve know several really racist white guys in engineering professions who have an Asian wife/girlfriend. I don’t know what it is about American Racists, but they really go for the Asian ladies. (Also, they think it’s proof they’re not racist.)

Shrugging people shrink themselves by frightening their worlds, *Comforts*

Trying to be nice to POC is racist? Damn. I live in a multi cultural neighborhood and have been trying to be extra nice to our neighbors since Trump was elected because I feel awful what people who share my skin-color have done to this country. I had no idea I was being a dick somehow.

Seem to be thigh high boots with everything from just above the ankle removed. Perhaps it’s the party-girl equivalent of a dude-bro wearing his sun visor upside down and backwards

Pure. West.

Damn Jonathan Demme because every time I hear American Girl I think about the poor young woman who is about to be kidnapped by Buffalo Bill.

And that’s too bad, because it’s a great song.

Yeah, I’ll probably be getting a little tired of XCom2 War of the Chosen by Spring 2018. This should work out well.

It’s unusual to have to have the chance to see him, but not that unusual. Let’s say, medium rare.