
Like we have room to fucking talk after last fucking week.

The County doesn't have linemen anymore, that shit's been privatized.


I'm a WASP and the only work I've done to my face is wetting it with silent tears for the past week or so.

Told them how much prettier wasps are.

I skipped work for 3 days and spend a 5 day weekend watching pop-culture related documentaries on Netflix and Hulu, one after the other, from the time I woke up in the morning until I finally fell asleep at night.

His work here is done.

Why not just dress up the drones as crows and have them do hilarious minstrel routines. That's some good old-timey family entertainment right there.

Don't Sim-shame her!

If they do they'll be hearing from Madonna's lawyers!

Isn't that the chick from Halflife 2?

No more questions on whether this is a joke!

She… she wished she could vote
Like men, Like men could vote
Nothing, will drive her away
Gals can be leaders, maybe someday

You won't have to!

[sniff] got something in my eye… I'll be fine.

It's been a long time since I've had a Polysci class.

Definitely having marinara on the pasta tonight instead of alfredo….

She's "Bonoing" the hell out of that thing.

And the handling is an sadly underappreciated part of a really good blowjob.

I don't know about that. The mind tends to wander when performing serial blow jobs.