So if it evokes positive emotions it’s entertainment and if it’s evoking negative emotions it’s art.
I like to mention the complete “oeuvre” of the 2 Life Crew. The typical Miami sound sprinkled with the most obscene lyrics i ever heard in my life. I was a rebelling teenager so the idea was to shock my parents. It didn’t work.
Erotic asphyxiation? That’s a little too kinky for me.
The Colorado Toad, native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States., when threatened excretes a milky white poison which contains bufotenin and 5-MeO-DMT which are both hallucinogenic aka makes you trip balls. The poison is not toxic to humans but it will kill your dog if it licks it. Don’t try this at…
If i remember correctly Oprah lost 40 pounds by using the Weight Watchers program. They use a system called SmartPoints. Servings of food are assigned points based on four criteria: calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein.
I was curious and decided to download the album illegally because in good conscience i can’t support his MAGA bullshit. I could play it on spotify but unfortunately if i do that he will still get my money indirectly. I’m aware of my hypocrisy and i feel guilty because copyright infringement is not cool people. It…
I don’t have an egg cooker. However, i do have a rice cooker. It’s a Godsend because i can’t cook (steam?) rice successfully without it.
Wanting to become a parent is not something you can decide rationally. My mother says “listen to your heart.” I asked my mother once why would she even consider to want children in this arguably nasty world we’re living in? (okay there are good things too but does it outweigh the bad?) She answered I just knew i…