
Pathological lying is also not on the list of side effects

Yes. But don’t underestimate the power of a good narrative. First and foremost is the story not the special effects. And the 162 minutes of the first movie was a bit much. There are no breaks in my theater and it’s hard. My ass gets sore, I need to stretch my legs once in a while and sometimes i have to pee

If you work for a private company, it’s not a First Amendment (freedom of speech is part of it) issue. It’s the company’s right to discipline their employees’ speech. People must adhere to the code of conduct of the company. If you don’t agree. There’s the door. The code is simple. Don’t be a racist asshole.

Trump tweets racist and/or misogynistic vitriol all the time. But is the presidency canceled?

Take your star

Alex Bachman is talking out of his ass. If you store Vodka it in a cool dry area away from direct heat or sunlight it has an indefinite shelf life, even after it has been opened. Whiskey can theoretically go bad but it’s extremely unlikely. Like with Vodka store it cool and away from sunlight. Ultraviolet light bleach

Picnic At Hanging Rock

*** pee sounds ***

“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.

“One time he stopped, looked me up and down as I walked into a room of people, and everyone burst out laughing. And I literally froze feeling very uncomfortable and one of the people in the office said, ‘Don’t worry, that’s just Morgan.’


He was by some feminists branded as a misogynist. I’m not sure. People say terrible things about women in their art but that doesn’t mean they’re like that in real life. It’s like saying Nabokov is a pedophile for writing Lolita. It’s fiction people. It’s not the job of the writer to be nice.

It’s time for the “file inside the cake” trick 

It’s always the wrong week.

The news ticker: “man who tried to sexually assault a 93-year-old North Hills woman was sentenced to 18 years in prison Thursday.” (1)

Gingerbread not to be confused with genderbread...

Great review as always. 

“Hey, Debbie Downer, turn that frown upside down and just be happy”

No weird initiation scene? I’m disappointed. Usually you have to kill someone to get in a gang. I loved Cheryl’s leather outfit especially the Gothic neckband. Strangely enough Betty also wore one when she was visiting her dad. Gothic Betty. Mmmh

The real passion and purpose that God predestined inside of you.”