Assistant Undersecretary of Only Okay

But the difference between right and wrong about guessing who is lying and who is telling the truth could be literally life or death. I don’t think it’s worth taking lightly.

It seems like it’s mostly handled by poor Prior, following the paper trail on who was paying for Tsalal.

I love New Girl and HIMYM but none of their Thanksgiving episodes stands up to what is truly the best Thanksgiving episode ever, King of the Hill’s “Happy Hank’s Giving” wherein everyone has to deal with airport madness. 

I hope she has Natalie Maines singing “Not Ready to Make Nice” on a loop right now.

Carved pumpkins start rotting real fast, no way you could have the same carved pumpkins the entire month of October.

Colbert will undoubtedly have a politician of some kind on, and there are plenty of recognizable directors, musicians, athletes, or even reality stars that could probably guest.

Remember her narration at the end of episode 3, “You may need to snuff them out.”

I started cheering when they finally cut to Ben and the cookie, we were right!

Alternatively it seems no one has discussed the possibility of suicide. Given how low Ben was feeling it feels like there’s hints that this could be the case. I sort of would rather have it be murder or an accident, as suicide would really take out of the jaunty tone of the series.

Sure, but I think they were focusing on Ben’s emotional journey from being so upbeat to being utterly broken. Joy fixing his makeup wouldn’t really rate on that path since it didn’t seem either of them experienced much emotion at all while it was happening (remember, Joy didn’t know that it was Charles that punched

I think it’s pretty obvious that Dickie knows more than he’s saying, since he would have been able to do the math regarding the time and the watch immediately afterward. I don’t know that I still like anyone in particular for the murder yet.

It’s Ben Glenroy, not Gilroy.

While I do find the endless petty drama and shrimp fights of The Bachelor engaging to watch, I love the idea of seeing all these women form a super tight knit group of friends.

It’s called a zucchetto, who knew?!

It was worth it to pause the end credits and read the whole piece about “T-Shirt Gate.” I would be interested in trying to read the other articles that Oliver paged through when he discovered the notebook.

Loretta clearly has more going on below the surface, but her being the ultimate killer seems too obvious. Too obvious that it just might work? I wouldn’t be surprised if the person who is responsible for attempt 1 and the person responsible for the final murder are two different people. My other theory is that at

My first thought too. The camera angle and the blocking of the scene makes more sense if he’s talking to cookies.

Man, the amount of people in these comments that are willing to write off a huge group of people just because they want some spotlight is really gross. I find it strange that people seem to have no problem empathizing with SAG strikers but are fine with a group of performers who have less protections and are often

This is all making me want to rewatch “The Bubble” episode of 30 Rock. John Hamm made such a good himbo that he almost tempted Liz to drop her convictions. I’d argue that the man she ends up marrying, Criss Cross, is also a himbo. Honestly I think even Dennis counts, although he’s decidedly an evil himbo. I’m just

I had been holding out reservations for this new run because while having the cast return to voice their old characters is important, having the writing staff return is just as important in my mind. Sure David X. Coen and Matt Groening are the pillars of the show, but it was the writers room of the original FOX run