
But be careful..sometimes having local help and returnability is much easier than sending it into a 3rd part company too. Might not be worth the hassle to save 150.00

But be careful..sometimes having local help and returnability is much easier than sending it into a 3rd part company

I had the Air with the M1. It was OK...I have to say I wasn’t super impressed and have a feeling these massive speed claims are inflated but couldn’t REALLY test it because Photoshop is still in beta for the M1. I already sold mine because I need bootcamp to justify having a Mac also. That was the reason I bought Mac

I had the Air with the M1. It was OK...I have to say I wasn’t super impressed and have a feeling these massive speed

I don’t. The Xterra I bought in 2007 has less than 85,000 miles on it which is mint and still smells and looks like the day I bought it, so probably the last car I’ll need to buy and my second vehicle is a ‘98 Subaru legacy GT with 128,000 miles on it and will last many years as well. I don’t see buying another car in

I was pre-approved and scheduled to pickup my brand new Xterra in 2007/ It took literally 8.5hours between me walking in, and driving off. I signed enough shit to buy two houses probably. It was the worst experience I’ve ever been through buying something. They already ran my credit a had chose the make, model and

Scumbags all of them. Even the nice ones are sleazy when it comes to the final deal. I’ll never see another car salesman for any type of vehicle ever.

So much this. I gave it up entirely because I was sick of spending money to feel like shit the next day or days. Now it’s a 2 drink max at anytime which is once a year or so. Blech. Definitely don’t miss the drinking days.

Everyone has their cures and preventions.

Same here, I can turn on heat or PRESS the AC button for cold not both.

definitely not every car but many yes.

Definitely disable for now until we know for sure. I live on the end of my street and it’s mainly older neighbors I know for a fact don’t use Alexa etc so I disabled mine and probably would even if they did use it. I don’t like to share any data with anyone. I secure that shit up tight.

I eat veggies and fibrous foods etc but I’m a once every morning at about 9am like clockwork regardless of diet. Even after coffee it takes at least 20mins but definitely speeds up the need to go as opposed to not having coffee. Coffee really gets well, shit moving! lol

This 99% depends on what’s coming out...diet mainly. Lots of greens and fibrous foods, = quick poo....fatty foods, meat etc. = a bit longer to “travel”. Also depends on how much... if you’re “filling up” then you’ll go much sooner and probably faster all at once. just my opinion/experience etc. Leaving the cell phone

Well this just wipes all my theories down the drain!

I get the frustrations and missing family ESPECIALLY on large holidays as this, but I also want all my family to be healthy and now end up in the hospital over the holidays also. I will be gladly doing my part and staying home with my wife and 2 cats. We will talk on the phone to family and know we did our part. 

I don't really care personally but it did suck when we all had to start over the first time. I get why it was changed but it really didn't need to be changed either. Not reeeallly. It was just easier to promote the new seasons. I know many 155* peeps who were pissed to lose their prestige etc. 

WAY too many people throw out perfectly great food thinking if it’s not refrigerated withing minutes of the meal being eaten (leftovers) you’ll get sick from it. We have had food the next day for years and even from 2 days that was sat out but covered. People waste a shit ton of food thinking this way.

nah, that’s the tequila from the night before

nah, no way in hell. I’ve had rice MANY MANY times that has sat in room temps and covered the next evening and haven’t ever been sick and we eat a lot of rice.

Never. I’m 50 yrs old and have never had the flu nor a flu shot

As much as I detest scumbag resellers like this, I have to wonder what kind of idiot would pay this amount as well. I guess you get exactly what you pay for sometimes.