
SO MUCH THIS!~!  +1   

It’s absurd they’re even opening to begin with. The cost involved and all the prep only to be a waste of resources withing days...ugh

I don’t have kids, but if I did they would certainly NOT be going back. I wouldn’t risk their lives our my wife and I’s lives if they did get exposed and brought it home. How ridiculous

Also while a 256 is dirt cheap, Id still recommend everyone get at LEAST a 1TB as a standard. Ive done this many times only to wish I’d splurged about 40.00 more for 4 times the space.

Aligning the partitions in the correct order is what’s meant I believe.....all hdd and ssd will have partitions.

Not for everyone but I definitely recommend a fresh copy on all OS drives if the owner can hack it. It’s sooo much cleaner and faster when done and you inadvertently get rid of crap you’d otherwise hang onto another 3 years lol.

Most software will align everything automatically as it is on the source as long as the destination drive has enough space for all (usually 4) partitions

Exactly. Many aren’t technical enough but want to clone to SSD and make the switch.

Macrium is about the 4th app Id recommend. It’s KINDA technical and a first timer won’t get it off the bat I doubt. Minitool Partition Wizard is a great free cloning app also (I’m sure many here have used it) and is MUCH easier if someone has only done this once or even never before.

Open it, remove gift card and toss. Deny everything.

Surprised you even needed one yet, the 2014-15 are a couple of the best retina models made and can be upgraded and both support nvme (albeit with a 12.00 adapter) My little 2015 A1502 i5 with a 1TV nvme and 16GB ram hauls ass! lol. But mileage varies of course.

Only the absolute latest, most expensive Intel Macs are upgradeable again”

BUT...no laptops whatsoever.

Gaming headset. Much easier to hear footprints of enemies etc. My K/D ratio doubled easily over using speakers.

Kinda silly that a 2013 MacBook AIR will run macOs Big Sur but a much better spec’d iMac (2013) will not. It’s got much better CPU, same graphics or better and much more ram. dumb...

Very surprised at how well it runs. I’m on a powerful i7 2017 MBP but still, for a first dev beta it’s been stellar. Why it won’t run on my 2013 iMac quad-core i5 with Iris Pro Graphics is absurd since it’ll run on a much less spec’d MacBook Air....weird.

oops. NM..mail in only.

Yeah no... HORRIBLE way to get rid of/upgrade to a newer Mac.
SELL it privately...period.
Apple won’t give you near what you could get elsewhere and many Macs they won’t take if past a certain age..

As far as USB C hubs go, a couple things to note:

If you get one that plugs into BOTH of the dual thunderbolt/USB C ports on the side (like many of these hubs do) it won’t go in all the way if you have a clam-shell bottom case on (You’ll have to remove the bottom clam-shell each time or modify it using a Dremel to cut

As far as USB C hubs go, a couple things to note:

If you get one that plugs into BOTH of the dual thunderbolt/USB C

My pillow from the bedroom.

My pillow from the bedroom.

Fortunately my wife and I are both essential and working and won’t get laid off regardless, but WHEN they come in the mail (because screw banks) they’ll be cashed and saved.

Fortunately my wife and I are both essential and working and won’t get laid off regardless, but WHEN they come in

Many people also are forgetting that monthly bills like rent, water, garbage etc aren’t being widely forgiven, just suspended in many case...if you can pay your bills it’d be wise to do so they don’t stack up only to haunt you later.