
sounds like the case power button got disconnected or similar. jump the power pins on the board FIRST before anything so you don’t start a rebuild if you don’t have to. Ive personally seen this and some cases have a very thincheapo” wire connected with a tiny little dab of solder that can easily come off especially

In the words of David Lee Roth:

“Reach down, between my legs and...ease the seat back....

Not what everyone wants to do, many do not. I use it for family and friends I’d otherwise not be able to keep in touch with near as easily but I also use two accounts. One for family and very close friends and the other for when I use it to sign in using FB etc. Funny that people use FB as their primary contact medium

Been doing this for ages. I get about one every few months if that so it workes very well. I then message them asking “who is this”...the messenger app then usually removes their name and just shows as “Facebook User” a dead giveaway so I simply delete, and if possible, block them. This usually isn’t an options to

THIS ^^ all of it. +1

Bingo! there’s no way Google didn’t do this. Ive also set it up for my clients a bazillion times and it’s never NOT sent emails to both. Something is up with her story.

good idea..if they don’t respond, she has nothing to lose anyway. If they do then she gets her code/verification and can then go in and fix/change it all... +1

It wouldn’t... “.c” isn’t a valid extension so it’d never work like this. +1

I thought the same thing...this is damn near fool proof when setting it up. I kinda wondered if they weren’t seeking the some nefarious ways to do bad deeds as well.

Bottom line “PROOFREAD” before hitting submit and also keep multiple backups of EVERYTHING (ESPECIALLY photos you care about and cannot replace). Not just on an external hard drive but on TWO hard drives. One you keep around for easy usage and the second you keep elsewhere, mine is in a safety deposit box literally

Whats weird (and I thought long over with) is I can still upgrade any Win 7 premium install to Win 10 Pro for free simply entering the Win 7 key from the side of case or using the tool that shows the actual product code. I thought this was over long ago. But I’ve done 3 this week for clients.... Then I can also of

nope...won’t help. My 2018 Air with SSD can take as much as 4 mins to wake up after the lid is closed for as little as 30 seconds and it’s brand new no issues. this terminal command fixes that but it’s the power management Apple has introduced in newer macs. beyond overkill.....

I know this is an old-ish article....but my 2018 MacBook Air can take 2-4 full minutes to wake, simple even opening the lid seconds after closing. f-ing ridiculous. power nap isn’t on nor do I want it on but it’s frustrating as hell to work for an hour, close the lid and come back in less than a minute remembering I

Story re-run...some comments here are regarding a 4S and 3Gs and from 2012 lol

me either BUT....why take a chance anymore when flagship phones are 500+ or over a grand in many cases. I spend the extra now just to add that one layer. My Note 10+ came with a factory installed one and it’ll never come off unless I VERY purposely rip it off, breaking the protector in the process but I didn’t know

much cheaper to buy online but I hear ya. If I buy one retail I only go to best buy because they install for free and up to 90days if it comes off etc. they’ll replace it. (Local stores may vary but mine have this guarantee locally). 

THIS ^^ and my advice is don’t get a protector with a built in screen protector. (Otterbox defender and many others) they dirt and shit only gets trapped underneath and cause scratches. OR...if you do, simply knock the front clear panel out all-together before installing and install a glass screen protector on the phon

What’s funny (to my wife and I) are the fact we bought those battery operated motion lights that light up inside the toilet when you approach it in the night. We use those not in the toilet, but around the house as nightlights...they only light up when motion detected (and VERY well, in most cases up to 8FT or more

What’s funny (to my wife and I) are the fact we bought those battery operated motion lights that light up inside the

Impossible to say...all depends on the maintenance upkeep. I see all these cars on FB Marketplace etc and most ads leave out the mileage which is a no-brainer for me..stay far far away. When I ask them, it’s always well over 200,XXX and THEN I get the “but it’s been VERY well-maintained” both of which if the seller is