
Actually the netgear modem won’t work on Xfinity if you have the 400MB or higher...you need docsis 3.1. The modem I had was docsis 3.0 and when I upgraded to their blast pro speeds of 400+ (now 500 after the free upgrade) required 3.1 to achieve speeds over 250MBPs. Since the 3.1 modems are around the 225.00+ range

Actually the netgear modem won’t work on Xfinity if you have the 400MB or higher...you need docsis 3.1. The modem I

I detest how many people use the term “hack” these days. A hack isn’t when you have malware on your device and you’re getting pop-ups or other nonsense...A HACK is a deliberate break in pretty much with about a 1 in a bazillion chance of happening to you lol. (OK, a hack can mean other things but generally it’s far

+1 I call BS on the OP who posted this, Amazon’s refund policy is iron-clad PRO the buyer for the most part and often they don’t even want the other item back for that matter. I’ve got a few things that they just said to keep for parts, recycle etc. +1

+1 I call BS on the OP who posted this, Amazon’s refund policy is iron-clad PRO the buyer for the most part and

Check out minitool Partition wizard, it’s free for most usage and cloning with the exception of incremental and differential backups etc but it’ll handle anything, VERY good software with a bazillion options to move, partitions, resize, reformat, create, bless, make bootable you name it it’ll do it.

Check out minitool Partition wizard, it’s free for most usage and cloning with the exception of incremental and

minitool FTW, I even bought it which is rare I buy software utilities. Paragon MacToolkit was also the other recent utility suite I bought, when you use Mac and Win Bootcamp or otherwise it’s a godsend. 

minitool FTW, I even bought it which is rare I buy software utilities. Paragon MacToolkit was also the other recent

be careful with “acronis” often I’ve got “FREE” software only to find it only did a couple things unless purchased which is fine but cloning to another ssd wasn’t one of them....VERY weird but it was greyed out and I downloaded the trial again online and it also required purchase to do a clone. seems their versions

be careful with “acronis” often I’ve got “FREE” software only to find it only did a couple things unless purchased

Thats sucks but I’ve heard several of these types from nearly every airline. the all suck imo....but yeah, that’d really suck...F-them especially!

Too many to list and they each involved someone very intoxicated.

Amazing people get worked up about a f-ing burger/sandwich etc at all. Ridiculous. Keep America classy (and fat).

these instructions don’t “jive” at all with what I’m seeing or NOT seeing in the activity launcher app. What version of Android are you on to make this work? This all seems a bit much and unless the other parties you text do the same it’s pretty moot to bother with. Many 3rd party apps already have rcs enabled by

There used to be but I’m an Android person now and it’s quite easy. I’m certain there’s apps or even a way to do so on iOS too. Maybe youtube it...I used to load them on iPhone a few years back because I disliked the stock options but Apple is always locking things down, but if the Adobe App has them I don’t see why

One tip I always use is to cut the inside stuff away after cutting your eyes, nose etc, cut in at an angle and get rid of the “sidewall” pumpkin as well and the candle inside will brighten up the cutouts much better (depending on your design and if you want it brighter of course). see circled part in the pic

no...they’ll spit in it or knock if off the porch etc. Turn off your porch light and keep the house pretty dark and they won’t even walk up to the door in most cases.

Bingo. The plane isn’t your disgusting home. I was on a flight from Vegas and some drunk asshole took his shoes off and it was so bad the flight attendant asked him repeatedly to put his shoes on. He finally passed out and they put plastic bags over his feet lol. don’t be “that guy” ever...

You sit on a throne of lies. ;-)  I too, have done this since early teens, used to freak out my friends. I’d tell them to twist it lol...(none of them could do it) heehee

That guy:
“It as the end of the month” ?? 

kinda on topic, but the people who drive around with passengers with their legs on the dash n shit Good way to have your knees as earrings and no one wants to see your ugly feet anyways.

this. just click and hit buy now, cancel auto-renew. I was billed .99¢ and tax...1.08. I’m a prime member AND I actually have Amazon music so no idea how it worked for me but it’s out for delivery lol.

this. just click and hit buy now, cancel auto-renew. I was billed .99¢ and tax...1.08. I’m a prime member AND I

This is NOT for new subscribers only...(for the people suggesting this) I’ve been a prime member for years and am an amazon music subscriber as well. All I did was click the link...after the cancellation of “music” it’s .99¢ . :-)

NOW, it could have been “fixed” but I just clocked the link in this “ad” and hit buy now

This is NOT for new subscribers only...(for the people suggesting this) I’ve been a prime member for years and am an

All I did was click the link here, I’m already a amazon music subscriber and have been on Prime for several years now. Didn’t have a single issue and its out for delivery.

All I did was click the link here, I’m already a amazon music subscriber and have been on Prime for several years