
I think there should be new term for being Pro-Choice, or Pro-Abortion: Pedophobia.

No, it's probably because the thirst of the President and First Lady is REAL, and that's why. They serve their masters, and this is what their masters want them to do to be "liked", and seem "down with the people". Just ask their masters who control their every turn.

You sure do have the right picture there. Talk about thirsty...........

What article.

Those crazy hipster kids and their sriracha........ everything.

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. LOL

Nope. Try Chocolove. Specifically the dark chocolate sea salt......

If this story didn't go national, they wouldn't be asking for FREKKIN 15 MILLION DOLLARS........

Such is the mindset of the rebellious, entitled, spoiled brat, disrespectful ungrateful, generation we call the millenials.

You're right! This should be a trend and learning tool at Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders rallies too. GREAT IDEA.

Here’s a thought: If she had reservations in the middle of the event, why didn’t she just GET UP AND LEAVE.

Nonononono, you don’t understand. The Rock wins it, no matter what anybody is wearing ok. That’s just the way the thing's work......

First of all, he went to WISCONSIN to get a ROLEX?????????????????????

Bonafide red bottoms???


Oh no you did not bring my hubby Jeff Goldblum into this!

First of all, you should never, NE-VER, evaevaevaeva make anything matte on a Rolls Royce. What is wrong with you baby millennial?????????????

Yes. He married her because he loved her so much. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL-to infinity........

No. Just-no.

Ever heard of..... scissors?