
You haven’t seen anything good have you?

You should be.

Yeah, but I don't feel bad that he didn't have to see all his castmates sell out to the castrating of his masterpiece. Dan Aykroyd should be most ashamed. But of course he's not because, money.

So I guess no REAL Ghostbusters film is gonna be made then. Dan, Bill, Ernie and Sigourney sold out for stupidity. Rick Moranis, you better jump on board, 'cause unfortunately, this is your only chance. You might as well sell out like the rest of them.....

Been boning upon your Octavia Butler I see. LOL

Burn these unborn babies to the ground. They are filth and they are not worthy, or deserving of life.

Did you just say that it "saves lives"??? Ummm, I know you didn't know this, but in all abortions, there is a life that is LOST. A baby is killed, no, murdered. Deal with it.

So those 400,540 children should’ve been killed when the mothers had the chance right???

Yeah, the fridge would be my third baby too, if I had that piece of gorgeousness in my possession.

Who their mother is, that fact that they & their mother were on a successful reality show, and their friendliness with the Kardashian-Jenners have absolutely nothing to do with the success they're having in the fashion world.....

THANK YOU! That’s exactly what I was thinking! It’s the same motivation that made the scriptwriter include the black prostitute in the first place: obligation of a token, and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. What was Effie’s job? To be the gracious token.

Um, but if they had a diverse pool to begin with, affirmative action wouldn't be a topic right now.

It's from all the plastic and botulism that's in there.

Worth tens of millions of dollars, and Kim looks like she stole the shirt off this guys back while he was sleeping.

Oh, the great money hustle. It's nice to know there are still golddiggers in the world, that are not ashamed to actually show their face.

I see.

".... but Bruce always gets a free pass." There, I fixed it for ya.

When did she ever care about what happens to her children, except for when it comes to the potential of the Kardashian image or empire being threatened?


Yes, but the problem is, that he gives his opinion all the time. Not to mention, the fact that NOBODY CARES to hear his opinion.