
#1, those shoes are BUTT UGGGGHHHHHHH-ly, #2, She lives in NYC now..........?

"....although that doesn't mean you shouldn't attempt to change rules you think are unfair or shift the culture of your workplace if you think it's unhealthy and draconian. Kids don't have a choice about being in school, so they shouldn't be subjected to draconian rules based on hypothetical future rules they might

I live 15 minutes away from Tottenville, and I didn't hear anything about this. This is national news????? :/

So on time with comedy every single time.

FIREFLY!!!!! You strike AGAIN!!!!

What about those Roger Daltry/Peter Frampton 1974 sideburns. COLDblooded........

Intentionally lowbrow arts and crafts project, for the simple fact that you are bored with life, because you are so rich and famous....... smh.

Um, well...... I'm kinda scared of the fact that I like this song.........

See? No intelligent or coherent communication at all. You're not bad like you're trying to be, you're simply just an ignoramus with no language skills. An uncivilized ape making obnoxious sounds, while scratching your armpits:)

No. I actually think that may have been the first one. Then there was Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom", EU with "Da Butt", them came Sir-Mix-Alot's classic "Baby Got Back". All highlighting the wonders of "da big 'ol butt". The rest is history......

I'm black, and I think that gif is HILARIOUS. I wonder where that kid is now.......

Now THAT'S a lady that would be perfect to host late night.

If they did, it wouldn't be you, darling. You are the most vulgar, profane and disrespectful of the female comics. You don't even have a chance, because you wouldn't know decency if it smacked you on the head 3 times.......

Well..... As cute, humble, and sweet as he seems, why is he holding a cat and not a girl........???

Oh, I cannot WAIT for next season! I wonder who she's gonna play then.......

Somebody's on their way to cotillion.......

I agree with every single beautiful thing you said. You are my new hero.

Ha! You made me chuckle..........

First of all, the picture you all provided for John Mayer does not help neither Taylor nor Katy's cases, 'cause he looks FREKKIN' GOOD. 2) Marky Mark, Bieber DEFINITELY is not....... 3) JARED LETO FOREVER!

Wait a minute—- I'm sorry....... Did you say you worked in tampon recycling???????