
You couldn't have chosen a better gif. Where is the old SNL?.......

Can you believe millions of teenage girls are in love with this guy.........?

These people have nothing better to do, but snip and snap at each other, as rich and famous as they are. I'm not hearin' it, nor am I the least bit sympathetic to either of 'em. They need to get a life, and they need to get REAL PROBLEMS.



No, no, no, I already knew about this. It's not a lifestyle brand, and it's not by a celebrity. It's just a clothing brand. That's it.

Visit a kindergarten class. You just might learn some REAL vocabulary, and not repeat the words of a caveman idiot, because you lack civilized communication skills. Oh, and I hope you get someone to read this for you, because I know that this paragraph supercedes (that word means, "it is far too advanced") your level

This is *kinda* reminiscent of Black Snake Moan (Yes, I broke down and saw that movie on local cable, out of sheer curiosity. Years after the fact. Don't judge me.......), except that Samuel L. Jackson had the greatest of intentions for keeping the girl locked up, and on the contrary, these 2 people are nasty to the

I thought I was the only one who thought she was wasted on it. She didn't get to sing, or nothing. I guess that Stevie Nick's job. Couldn't upstage her........

ESPECIALLY if she showed up in a bikini top and a cowboy hat.

Yes, of course they had to crash the wedding they happened upon instead of just leave the wedding to it's business (The latter is what MOST of us human beings would do, but see, apparently celebrities aren't human.....), because you don't get press if you leave it alone.

"I love your mother's cookies." Priceless.

Sorry *smarmy*.

I love that word "smamrmy". I use it all the time.

Ok, so, 1) I'm not impressed, 2)She scares me, and 3) I want my mommy........

OMGosh, I've been waiting to be able to see this. Taika Waititi is everything!

no, no, nO, No, NO!

He has a serious problem. I feel for the girl that he gets after this, who has NO CLUE what she's dealing with.....

She probably lives at 123 Street Road Terrace, Miami Florida

What the freak was she trying to do in that first one. THIS IS NOT BOWLING.......