
That was horrible. There's no sugar coatin' it.

Look, it was a scuzzy thing that this guy did. It was VERY WRONG. BUT........ These celebs wouldn't have been exposed IF they did not take these pics in the first place. PLAIN. AND. SIM. PLE.

I'm not impressed with FKA Twigs. Seems like everybody's trying to be The Weekend nowadays. Onto the next......

Yes, it is.

Oh the awe-inspiring silver fox that is Jeff Goldblum.

Oh, the 3 Chris's of recent beefcakedom. You know what, I'm just havin' me a Chris Pratt moment right now. I will never be able to understand it, but it is what it is.

#1, where have you been, #2, you need to see him in action, then you'll get it.......

You forgot Michael.......

Of course he's halfway decent looking. She wouldn't have gone out with Harry the Homeless Wino, he would've been too terrible to behold. If she was gonna have somebody homeless as her date, he HAD to have model good looks, so he could be her arm candy. How hypocritical. If you're gonna have somebody homeless as your

Good 'ol eccentric genius billionaire John Hammond. We're all gonna miss you, and your crazy Dino Disney:(

The trailer makes no sense whatsoever. It's like a jumble of things happening. Does not make me want to see it.......

All gotta say is this, and if you're old enough and you're a girl, you know what I'm talking about:

California Dreams was my show too. But there was another short lived show that aired around that time too with these shows on NBC Saturdays. Do you remember "The Guys Next Door"? I watched that show religiously, because of all the pretty boys on it, who can not only sing, but ALSO dance......

It's filmed in Canada, with a largely Canadian cast. 'Nuff said.

That's right. No one can take their places.

Never mind. You're too young.

OMGosh. HE was selfish, lied, cheated, stole, manipulated.... everything short of murder. And sometimes he recruited his friends to help him do his dirt too. He did everything Except drugs. He never did drugs. They even had a special D.A.R.E. episode. Always remember: THERE'S NO HOPE, IN DOPE!

Weak. Not impressed. The only good thing I can say about this, is that someone had the sense to back the clip with BBD's Poison. Well done music supervisor! Too bad you decided to work on a crap production.

What. Is. The point.

Yep. You're weird.