
Nah, that can't be right. Not Jordan Catalano........

I thought it was just me, but apparently, it DOES reek of that particular air, if somebody else noticed too. Pretentiousness always reeks......

Oh yes. It really looks like life sucks for you doesn't it, celebrity.

Ok, you got a point there.

I see your Tom Hiddleston, and raise you, a Jason Momoa.

This song is a serious FAIL.

*second time around*

I wanna see THAT challenge.

THAT IS SO FREEKIN' CUTE!!!!!! Lemme gotta watch it again........

Can I just say, that I am lovin' me some Chris Pratt right about now. It's mind boggling what talents you discover when the right person is simply given a chance. Guardians of the Galaxy was XTRAORDINARY. I loved it so much...... Chris was a sweet surprise....... Ok, I'm done.

Of course she doesn't think she has any boundaries, she's a Jendashian. And that means—that she doesn't even care about what she says or does. As long as the attention quota for the day is met.

I couldn't agree with you more. An idiot, is an idiot.

They can smell bad enough, madam. Especially when you're in a restaurant TRYING to eat a meal......

I agree with your comment 100%, except for the "f******" part, and the very end "name in vain" thing.

Ok, so...... You didn't want to take everyone back to the van to change the baby....... Ummmm....... Assuming everyone except for the baby, can walk...... Hmmmmm...... Not a good enough excuse, madam. What you did was just plain weird.

Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait....... I know you did not just say that Native Americans and Inuits are higher up on the oppression ladder than African Americans. Darling, what planet are you from? 'Cause you are not talking about what's happened on Earth. Get right. Quick.

Who knew Bon Iver used to do Lite FM soft rock.

Which one? The hippie chic Hendrix look, or the Garment District Fashion Girl shapeless black silhouette, Rick Owen wedge heel shoe look?

That album cover is E-VRY-THING.
