
It's not abysmal but it's also way too close to something like Billy Talent to be considered good. Listened once and I doubt I'll ever listen again, I'll just stick to the old stuff.

Wither was a better Evil Dead remake then the Evil Dead remake was, this could actually be interesting!

Saw it today and thought it was a blast. Monster fun throughout and everything I hoped Jurassic World would be and wasn't. It's beautifully shot too.

I've seen this compared to 8 Legged Freaks and now it is my most anticipated film of the year.

3/5 from me. Reminded me of a few considerably better films and it needed to lose about 25 minutes (maybe the whole family stuff) but it's certainly the best Wolverine film and the final scene is superb. Lots of great moments, a few bad ones and your now-typical terrible antagonist, a decent film.

I feel terrible for thinking it because she is a young actress, just starting out etc. But the lead was so bad that her performance continually ripped me out of the story (which really felt like a less good The Last of Us). In the end, i left the cinema really confused by the love for the film, especially the reviews

I finished this last night and really enjoyed it. As the reviewer says, it's a light and breezy read but also really bloody endearing. Solid B+, Sunday afternoon reading.

Yeah you're absolutely right about the editing and shooting element of the film, it's always a kick to see a well shot, well photographed action scene. I guess my issue is (also to the other dude that replied) I found the first John Wick's fight scenes to be kind of one-note. There never seemed to be any escalation or

I really wasn't blown away by the first one and honestly, pretty baffled it reached the adoration levels it has. Oh well, my problem not yours.

I really bloody like this record, more so than say, the new Japandroids which sounded really flat.