South Africa =/= The entire continent of Africa
South Africa =/= The entire continent of Africa
Whatever you say, gramps.
You should have totally collaborated with Tavarish when you were selling this car.
If US Honda was a bakery, it'd be like this: The shelves are full of bread, all pretty good and readily available, but nothing special. But sometimes you'd see an amazing cupcake on the shelf, incredibly detailed and looking like nothing you've ever seen. When you ask to buy it, the guy behind the counter smiles and…
Is it just me, or is that car on the side of the road with yellow decals and the red 33-22 not a police car?
This is why you don't read CarThrottle, folks...
"Both", obviously
Hyundai really needs to step up their advertising game. "Roomier than a Rolls Royce"
Tesla makes it work
Crap, I only have a ski passthrough to my trunk. guess I'm screwed.
I stopped reading when you referred to Buzzfeed as a source of investigative journalism...
Lol, I know. Just messing with ya
Half the price? Half the price of a used Nissan Maxima? Half the price of a brand new Toyota Yaris? Half the price of a 26 year old Hyundai Excel??
You can't just leave me in the dark like this, Tavarish!
This guy just sounds like the worlds biggest dumbass
How much of this had to do with Luca leaving?
Mine's the exact opposite. The struggles of working in the aerospace industry, lol.
Most every launch is covered by launch insurance, so there shouldn't be any monetary loss on NASA's end. Rates will likely go up for future Antares/Orbital Sciences launch as it is seen as a more "Risky" vehicle in the near future. This is what happened to launches on the Proton after it's explosion a few years back,…