
People like her are also the reason why we shouldn’t

People like Danielle Stella are the reason we have warning stickers on hairdryers telling you not to use them in the shower.  

You’re conveniently leaving out their measurements for:

Thank you. I withdraw my troops suggestion.

Now playing

You do understand that the conservative “centrists” have been calling the shots all along? They are the ones that keep failing to kick republican Lucy’s football over and over and over and over and over again. They are the ones that keep saying defeatist and weak garbage like “impeachment is off the table”.

Times when the national debt has been the most important issue to America’s future and a disaster waiting to happen that we must avoid at all costs:

Man this guy Trump is gonna be so pissed when he hears about this. 

He was detained because he didnt have his US passport on him in a state where he lives? I dont ever carry my fucking passport.

This is horrible. He was detained because he didnt have his US passport on him in a state where he lives? I dont ever carry my fucking passport. State IDs require a SSN, which at the bare minimum means that they are here legally and the mother has proof he was born here, but they still say that he was born in Mexico

My guess is that “something on the ground” involved a situation (most likely protestors, or a significant group of people who didn’t want Pence or his Trump-adjacent odor anywhere near them) that could not be adequately controlled/spun either in the immediate moment or the aftermath, and Pence just didn’t want to deal

Shit, man, that chant was started by his own plants. The TV president is complaining about staging. Pfft.

Also, notice how he claims her crowd is staged? Every criticism Trumpkin has ever uttered has been projection, so this just proves to me that his pathetic crowds are sprinkled with paid plants.

I think Omar’s warm and wonderful welcome home from her constituents at the airport is the real story. It’s the thing that triggered his newest complaint, anyway; notice him jeering at her crowd size? He’s pissed that she won her election by a landslide & her people love her, while he couldn’t win a plurality &

Nah. This guy’s got it coming. Mobilize young voters in your community. Write letters to reps and senators. Do a little thing everyday. Never back down from this goon. He's the lard land donut boy. 

Stay alive just to spite him.

It’s only July 2019.

“I didn’t do it”

Let’s ask the racist if he thought his comments were racist.”

Shitass quality control from the shirt printer.

Mr. President, Why is there a boat infront of the White House?