
If both sides were truly equal, then the Krassensteins would be regular guests on various MSNBC shows and they’d have a book deal that allowed them to pump out a virtually unlimited supply of vacuous, content-free filler to the anti Trump masses and rake in millions of resistance dollars in the process.

DeVos = old white lady = Teacher = Education

Some might want to laugh, but this is exactly how it went and we all know it.

2015's obnoxious trend: people complaining that he should just be working on the book.

Now the new big story is that Trump made a lot of money and buys everything for cash, he doesn’t need banks.

Well Bernie is the only candidate focused on turning out new and younger voters. That’s the best strategy no doubt. Still Bernie went on Fox News, crushed it, and likely got some of those racist grandmas and grandpas to give him a listen. That’s how you win.

Mike Wallace has been dead for 7 years. Unless he’s referring to the former NFL player, in which case I got some bad news for him...(he’s #17)

Yeah seriously. Daenerys never like, WENT mad. They just turned her mad. You saw signs that she was hot headed, that she is sensitive about being betrayed, and that she will kill people, but you never really saw her having a taste for the blood of innocents. I wish they’d given us a bit more paranoia and like,

It didn’t seem to exist at all. There were the two guys escorting Jon out of the city, but there were only Wildlings at Castle Black. I think it was just a ruse to trick Grey Worm. The Night’s Watch no longer exists, and everyone else knew Jon would run off with the Wildings.

That was entirely in character though. 

My favourite part when they sent Jon to the Night’s Watch, which has no longer has a reason to exist.

so that the show could use its budget in less episodes

I love that Jon was apparently stupid enough to confess despite there being no body.

Yeah, kind of surprising for a ultra-traumatized killing machine abused from early childhood to go ballistic after losing the one source of kindness he has had his whole life. What an a-hole.

I like to think that he’s going to spend the next fifty years quietly plugging away on that plan.

I was amused by Sam’s suggestion for democracy in westeros. Maybe after horses and dogs are given the vote.

Everyone like how Sam became the new Jerry Gergich of Westeros for suggesting the invention of democracy?

And with that, GOT comes to an end.

Oh, I didn’t mean that an average person wouldnt think twice about jumping 30 feet (I would) or that someone in that situation would totally consider jumping, I just meant, if the person from the quote was being literal, then how did they test that? An ice agent looking off a 3rd floor balcony or some poor asylum