
Odds on the following happening:

If you had paid your $59, someone would have beat it for you.

Here’s some low-hanging fruit . . .

I had to scroll a long, long time, but this is what I came here for.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to rip on Kraft too much when I first saw the headline. Sex work is real work even if it pisses off the morality police. If two consenting adults exchange money or goods in return for sex, why should I care?

The literal article you are commenting contains a quote from the detective working the case describing how this specific massage parlor engaged in human trafficking.  

Next year’s WYTS article just wrote itself.

1) Insert various Patriots jokes of varying levels of taste. Here’s some low-hanging fruit; something something deflategate limp penis, something video evidence sideline signals video evidence of Kraft, something Goodell punishment calculator. Go forth and get stars.
2) Consensual sex work should be fully legalized and

On the one hand, legalize and regulate sex work.

This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.

Why? Season already had a happy ending.


You thought the billionaires would go quietly? Nothing less than a full revolution will stop these monsters. They want the wage slaves to keep their heads down. Thus it has always been...

It’s also a TERRIBLE slogan. Do they not see the easy obvious rhyme they missed out on? Socialism takes —- capitalism MAKES ???

I’m hoping she calls them out with “At least I have the courage to show my face and use my name. Rich cowards are still cowards.”

AOC: “That’s wack.”

That idiocy being put up over the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not museum shows the level of not-getting-it these people are on.