
Someone caught one of the players’ reaction on video.

One of my student workers is also in the university’s ROTC program. For two years, she and the other women in the ROTC planned their big Christmas party (in fact, this party was traditionally thrown by the women of ROTC, I’m not sure why. I’m sure some degree of sexism was involved.) Anywho....It was a real shindig:

I like how he’s holding his jacket closed like he’s afraid of either 1. accidentally setting himself on fire even though he’s three feet away from the candelabra or 2. Getting the flaps of his jacket in the “food,” which is safely ensconced in cardboard.

I don’t like bodyshaming, but this fat fuck...smdh. First of all, fuck the White House under this presidency, I wouldn’t even show up. But if I did, and I were served fucking WackArnold’s, I’d just smash that shit into the carpets.

It’s indoors and he’s still wearing his I-don’t-look-fat-in-this-coat coat

You look fat in the coat, Don

Black hole sun, won't you come?

He had to be fired, but... BRAVO GOOD SIR! That was fucking awesome!

I think you’ve mostly hit on it here. This is unfortunately going to be a long process. I think what AOC is doing well though is moving the goal posts further left. The discourse is already shifting to the left in a way the Tea Party moved the discourse to the right 9 years ago.

People like AOC need to run as part of a real national socialist party and not try to transform an existing party into something it isnt.

Regardless, Ocasio-Cortez is going to continue to piss off other Democrats who think she should wait her turn who are every bit as bought and sold by corporate interests as their GOP counterparts.

mid-evil... you just fucking know it

“They say a wall is medieval—well, so is a wheel,” Pres. Trump says at meeting near southern border. “A wheel is older than a wall.”

lol fuck he did:

My favorite subplot of this horror show has to be the great irony of Trump’s “Great Deal Maker” persona/brand insofar as it is exactly at odds with the fact that he is terrible at negotiating. I say this as someone who is largely conflict-averse and thus not great at negotiating. I love these stories about how he

Jack you forgot one, he literally said “the buck stops with everybody.” 

Hey come on, my goldfish has a p.hd from Trump University.

More like “Hillary would have been worse”.  I get this with a straight face from most Trump supporters.  Seriously.  

Goddammit but AOC actually gives me hope for the future of this nation.   I thought that had died in me a long time ago.  

Typical conversation with a Republican in 2019: