
What would you do if someone kept encroaching on your lane and you were in a car? I’d just stop driving next to them. Not sure why it’s any different on a bike.

Just saw one driving around in Columbus yesterday. Such a great looking car. Any idea what your buddy’s annual maintenance expenses are on average?

Even though the loan terms are getting longer, usually it’s just because lenders are offering more favorable rates for those terms. Lenders are typically seeing car loans pay off in a little over 2 years, despite longer terms.

2 seats for your disabled legless friends in the back,

Am I too late to get ungreyed? Also, thank you again for getting me through a Friday afternoon at work.

One time my dad got pulled over and the cop did this and the person didn’t stop. He told my dad to wait there and ran the other guy down. Came back to my dad about 10 minutes later and told him to have a nice day haha.

I work at a bank and sadly he is going to have trouble. With a credit card he could charge it back, but for wire transfers/checks there isn’t really any coverage if you send a payment and it goes where its supposed to.

Think he meant at highway speeds you don’t hear the engine = luxurious

Once I got to, “goes really nice down the road” i was sold

Oh, and if they were not partners then attempted murder is very likely to stick.

I’m sure it will go to a jury, but it may be difficult to convict. Even if he had killed her, murder might have been difficult to prove. In most jurisdictions this (catching your partner in the act) could qualify as a “heat of passion” crime, which mitigates first degree murder to manslaughter. So a charge like

He was moving as the other truck pulled out. That would imply he was not also waving him.

I don’t think so, since as soon as the truck pulled out he said “what the fuuuuuck?” Also looked like he started to creep up right as the other truck pulled out.

Thank you. When I saw all the links for that road on FB awhile back, I knew it did not make any sense. I’d post this article to FB, but I’m sure people would just ask me if I still have a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my car.

Thank you. When I saw all the links for that road on FB awhile back, I knew it did not make any sense.

Great list!

And, “Someone pays him to write this crap??”

Nark!! Everybody, he’s a nark!!

also...gray :(

So you kind of fling it into corners randomly and guess where other vehicles are located based on their sound, which is not unlike how I expect a blind person would drive a Hummer around a race track.