
You might say it was a stairing contest.

When Cameron was in Eagles land

I got 99 problems but Bewitched ain't one.

This may be the first time I've heard someone use "I did inhale" as a defense against a drug charge.

That the addition of LeBron and Love to the team hasn't led to immediate success must be a bit unIrving for Cavs fans.

I assume he only peed on the floor mid-stream just to be safe.

Lay off the Greenies, Bill.

You might want to try settling down there, MKay?

Turns out that He Who Walks Behind The Rose is just the Bulls' trainer.

"But what about Drew Bled....soe" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

I hope the Magic brass approved Gordon's moonlighting gig for Vice.

Pleas please me.


Hot beats are for closers.

I assume this means A-Rod didn't change horses.

They first met in Columbia, Del., after Shattuck picked the boy up and drove to a middle school parking lot.

I'm surprised Cassell didn't have more back issues, carrying those things around everywhere.

Pretty sure the age cutoff is doucheteen.

I wonder if he balances the pile of bacon on top of the eggs after they're cooked.Also, if you're trying to cook a delicious bacon-y breakfast, why the fuck not just use real eggs and whole milk? So much tastier.

"No boots on the ground" is an upsetting phrase to me because it's an overused, cliched, lazy idiom.