
I'm sure that after the hair pull, Garçon was really dreading Sherman's postgame statement.


Fewer recovery days after playing the previous Sunday.

He's really hurting his IPO price with comments like that. I mean, who wants to buy shares of a guy who cares about his own and his coworkers' well-being more than he does about profit?


This is nitpicking, but doesn't it sound more like we're headed towards a player initiated walkout/strike than towards a lockout?

Maybe instead of a running back we should start calling him a walking back. As in "Adrian Peterson is now walking back claims he previously made about his charity..."

In Shelby's defense, the DL coach did instruct him to work on his gap technique during the bye week.

I thought the Titans' specialty was getting pissed on.

Fair point.

Well, the Jags play like they have Ebola, so you can't really blame him.

Clock management never was Rex's strong suit.

I'm glad they got the choreography down; the rehearsals were pretty awkward:

That's better than one can say about Bruce Bochy, who always seems to be pushing the Panik button.

Too high? Who gives a shit, it's gone.

This letter is too insane and full of contradictions to even begin to parse, but I will say that for a crazy person, he has excellent grammar.

Aren't "staggering rotations" something fraternity pledges have to do as a form of hazing?


I didn't realize Adolpho Birch had a Kinja account.