Lifelong heat fan—grew up in Florida. I hope we keep dragon.
Lifelong heat fan—grew up in Florida. I hope we keep dragon.
A legitimate championship would require the teams involved to play comparable schedules instead of one team going undefeated because they play the other teams’ opening cupcake game 11 times. If teams can play nobody to go undefeated and be a contender, why would anyone stay in the SEC?
Of course they’re not “African-American” they’re not American lmao.
Man, imagine how bad the fight would have gotten if the program were toxic.
You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong.
I think what he means is, when you go there, you have to give them your whole paycheck! Because everything is so expensive there. So if you think about it, it’s almost like “whole paycheck” would be a better name for the store because of how much you have to spend when you go there and then your paycheck is gone when…
Nothing hit me harder in “Fallout” then Cruise driving a motorcycle the wrong way through traffic around the Arc de Triomphe. My brain was simultaneously telling me “it’s okay, it’s all set up so they know where/when to swerve and there are camera tricks so it looks like he doesn’t have a lane” and ::puking inside my…
This is how Jackie Chan movies are still really good even though the plot and acting could use some work
Fast and Furious 6 (I think) had Vin Diesel and Jason Statham initiate a high speed head-on collision with each other just as a prelude to their fist fight.
Although, when he flies over the handlebars with no helmet, it takes you out of the moment a bit because, well, the rest of the movie takes place in the afterlife.
I would like to personally apologize for forgetting the rule that you’re only allowed to like one action movie in your lifetime.
my apologies
“ the double-shooting sleeve, late-stage Melo getup”
I don’t agree, it is not a problem. You can’t extrapolate that statement on the whole playerbase. Deathmatch works with it’s current rules, and there’s a great portion of gamers playing it. It is the only arcade mode that is always on the menu. It might not be your piece of cake though, but it’s easy to ignore. Just…
Not necessarily related but seriously, fuck off.
Just a little heads up, there’s not a new smg coming, there’s a SMG going to the Vault, that means it will be removed from the game
Today has nothing on that magical day years ago, when one staffer just didn’t show up after a night out, and we got increasingly worried and dispatched people to said staffer’s house, and ultimately discovered that the staffer had been concussed and hospitalized after playing a game of “let’s take turns punching each…
I love these early season extrapolations.