Fartsmello Anthony

oop-dee oop?

By 2019, the draft will just be done through a BuzzFeed quiz.

You'd think a university housed in Lincoln would be decidedly pro-Union.

Could be worse. Could've happened to any catcher besides McCann.

You know you fucked up when you make American Airlines look like the good guys by comparison.

I wrote pro wrestling columns from about 2002-2005 and have written a couple since then, and nothing Deadspin did here departs significantly from the bulk of IWC (internet wrestling community) commentary about Warrior since his retirement.

Roger Goodell, obviously.

Counting hairs on royalty.

Whoever taught Marchman how to eat cereal.

I know new Kinja has made a lot of (terrible) changes, but I'm pretty sure the pound sign has no effect here and that it does not require a subscription.

She's in the attic!!!

"Thanks, Barry. I appreciate it."

Since Rockets players represent the majority of the defense, I'm guessing James Harden wasn't involved in the incident.

Wait, "has wrote column after column"?

Important discussion: This isn't a selfie, as everyone's calling it, right? Even with Tharpe's 76-inch wingspan, he can't possibly be holding the camera hereā€”can he?

Come on, guys. You're reaching here. He's their star player. The people of Milwaukee will love Ryan Braun no matter what until they find out he's Jewish.

And you know those are some crazy $5/lb. Whole Foods Organic Apples, too, just to twist that knife in the side of the collective American tax paying public!

And you'll notice she bowed to the pandas.