Fartsmello Anthony

To me, LeBron really should focus on improving his wing and corner jumpers and move away from the front court. As the years have gone by, it’s become clear LeBron benefits more and more from drawing attention away from the front and towards the sides.

sorry for breaking your brain

Fucking finally, not only was this stupid hack the worst to play against, but it spams its own ad in the chat a lot of the time which just rubs your face in it too. Good riddance.

Schilling replied to a person by saying he was “getting ready” to take a job “that’s likely to make the far left heads explode”

I love that Karl is forced out after being repeatedly undermined by his star, and now the rumor is theyre trying to replace him with David Blatt???

Reminds me of Mike and Henry Bibby who had no relationship at all and iirc their first contact in years was when Henry tried to recruit Mike to play for him in college. Mike decided to win a title with a conference rival instead.

It’s entertaining in the same way that an elaborate touchdown celebration while down by 30 is entertaining.

*the hot popular girl in my high school bumps into me in the hallway before shooting me a derisive sneer and going to make out with her football player boyfriend*

Most of the worst offending RNG cards are rotating out of the standard format and will only be available in the “Wild” legacy format.

Best Fascists In Baseball

So if your friend was dumb enough to ask you for your input on a baby name—seriously, never ask anyone their opinion on names, because you’ll only end up more confused and annoyed—go ahead and give it to them.

Because we hear about them playing the “right” way mostly from people who aren’t either Spurs or Spurs fans.

Either one creates a bad experience for their opponents so whatever. It sounds temporary anyway.

Meanwhile every other team’s best offense runs around Kevin Love.

I love the idea that Blizzard owns something (WoW and all of its versions), but according to these people, they aren’t allowed to stop selling it in a certain form (Vanilla) if they want to, and if they do, they somehow don’t own it anymore and it should be free. These were people stealing a product, even if it’s a

At least we know there are people out there with similar experience who Karl can reach out to for advice. RG3 definitely knows all about being undermined, emasculated, and eventually forced out by Cousins.

The funny part is that the worker DID recognize McConnell and that there isn’t normally a cover charge.

If you think no one was offended by “Caucasians” then go check out twitter. About 100k idiots made Bomani’s point for him.

Did you mean to post this yesterday?

Stoudemire (thrice, including one dumb timewhen he tried to carry it on a plane?? In Arizona???)