She is being beat by women that are basically in the sport because of her. That is an L to be proud of, even if it stings.
She is being beat by women that are basically in the sport because of her. That is an L to be proud of, even if it stings.
100% that move was to keep him from kicking Brees’ head in!
My final straw with the NFL was utterly pathetic (the blown PI call that fucked over the Saints) compared to all the times I should have (as a woman especially!!) quit watching. We as fans, are just as terrible about abandoning the sport. I almost caved until I learned of Luck’s retirement; the ruination of that man…
I will tell you why. They are cheap, indestructible and don’t have to be upholstered. A classy, quality chair can cost upwards of $100 and no cheaper than $50, multiply that by how many seats, and that is an upfront investment that is pretty crazy. The bonus is that your server doesn’t have to deal with you hanging…
I-9 killed the pedestrian district of downtown Poughkeepsie too. All of the local shops went under when people had easy access to box stores via i-9. They did wind up opening it up to cars years ago; but when I lived there (moved out just after 9/11), it was SCARY bad. I lived on a blighted block on the edge of the…
And now they are talking about tearing it down too and forcing traffic through downtown. Which is also a nightmare to drive though right now. It's definitely not going to endear me to patronize dow town business just because I am angrily driving through it.
I can’t cough up phlegm (aka “hock (sp?) a loogey”). It’s REALLY annoying because I now live in the post nasal drip capital of the country, and I know if I could just get it outta there... I’d feel so much better. I just wind up gagging. Sometimes it accidentally comes out when I sneeze, and it's amazing.
I wound up having to reassemble mine because it’s impossible to unwrap without it slipping apart. No way you can put chips on it (I tried), and they wanted to melt the mozz real bad which seemed to defeat the point of fresh mozz. No way are you eating it in the car. But all of these defects are a bummer because I…
Maybe he just sounds like a real person who is as astonished by the question as any normal human would be.
Not today, Satan.
Screams first amendment to defend their actions, gets lawsuit rejected on first amendment grounds. Glorious.
Losing all hope before the season starts isn’t proper for the Bengals. He makes a full recovery for opening, and tears his ACL during playoffs. THAT is a proper season for the Bengals. (but I hope not because I love him)
Whoopi allowed herself to be haunted in Ghost AND STTNG!
My smart actual nerd friends call the show "nerd minstrel". Pretty brilliant description!
Holy shit, that’s enough to supply almost the entire population of NH. My family is from a rural NH town notorious for drug trafficking, but that is just an unreal amount. I appreciate that he aided in going higher up the food chain, but isn't 1500 grams really fucking high (no pun intended)? He absolutely killed…
So the Sanders campaign is salarying non exempt workers (shady), not paying overtime and they wind up earning less than the MINIMUM wage of his key platform? Man, I couldn’t wait to see how the union stunt would backfire on the campaign, but how can they possibly be this stupid about it?
Oh fuck, I meant Alabama. Thanks for the link too (I was being lazy)
Mouth fedoras!
Remember during the recession when Arkansas “experimented” with hiring farm labor by first refusal rights to American citizens and all their crops died on the field because there was no one to pick it?