“I was wearing my coat my the whole time”
“I was wearing my coat my the whole time”
Was gonna say... their entire legislative head is all women in NH
Hey, we got a Dunks now! (NH gas station-WITH A DUNKS NOW-town native)
I didn’t watch this video; I’m referring to the many many many times he refers to a batch of ground beef (either to be formed into patties, meatloaf, tartare) as pate (or mince, but that's more proper).
He calls ground beef “pate”, and it drives me crazy.
I am a knife smasher. Whatever time you saved in getting whole cloves peeled, you lose in having to chop longer. The best is when the garlic is dry enough to smash the top of the whole bulb and the cloves just spill out.
Yeah, I was totally teasing (hope that came across); I will just say that I have lived North, Deep South, here, lots of places between, and they are all mostly racist, base, ignorant and terrible with pockets of culture and depth. Some states keep it in check, but that’s by the skin of their gerrymandering and…
Just promise that when all of us transplants that appreciate KY unfuck it, you won’t move back crowing about how it is your beloved home state. 🤗 (I am an absolutely shameless optimist, you have to be to live here hahaha)
The listening to opinions floodgates are much like the allowing child to sleep in bed floodgates.
“Sub" and "wonderful rainbow colors"? This lady doth protest a wee much
Wow, we really showed them!
Much like stoking fears of guns being taken away. That directly helps gun sales.
I call them “hold my beer states”.
All of the presidential candidates are in Iowa, right?
Well damn, I called it sanctioned street fighting up until I read this.
Is this exactly what Drew was covering up when he collapsed, cracked his head open, almost died, was in a coma and rehab for weeks? Did anyone check his shorts?
Meanwhile, a NJ judge *may* be suspended for asking a rape victim in March of LAST YEAR if she knew how to keep her legs closed to prevent being raped, and is being sued by a clerk for sexual harassment.
Only came here to make sure this happened!
Historically, restrictions on abortion rights have galvanized voters. It’s interesting that the GOP can try and try and try to suppress voting through gerrymandering, voter ID laws, shutting down polls and early voting but are actively shooting themselves in the foot by stirring up this hornet’s nest.
Was this a study in how long an insufferable douche will go on about a dumb thing that he thinks makes him seem interesting?