This is the kind of anime women and gay men watch. Good luck catching a group of straight males watching this crap
This is the kind of anime women and gay men watch. Good luck catching a group of straight males watching this crap
That chick is so ugly. With her buff ass arms, she must do bicep curls lol
You have shit opinions, like always.
Meh, id rather watch free illegal streams. It has basically every single anime show thats not mega obscure
Or...... just hear me out here.
Not anime
Not anime
I only see liberal point of views here tbh
Why do you always write about girly anime...
Cool article, Brian! Pokemon articles are the best.
I like how you cherry pick which comments to approve. Dumb bitch everybody on the kotaku fb page hates you
All you do is talk about yaoi and fujoshi related stuff
oh great, more yaoi discussion
My god, could you possibly write any more articles about yaoi.... Cecilia ruined kotaku
We get it, you’re a liberal and don’t like Donald trump. You don’t have to shove your political opinions down our throat.
Sometimes I feel like quitting this website. Just feels like I’m on Jezebel or tumbler
More like: 5 must watch anime for tumblerinas