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Hmph... Imagine if Rock stars had to be held accountable to this stupid rule of etiquette. They’d all be benched!

I just want to say how much I admire you sticking up for people who identify as whirly birds. You are the hero we need right now, what with you and your powers to get people to commit suicide.

VERY cool. I’ve had students interested in hand drawn 2d animation but I’ve only ever pursued 3d. Have any resources I could use in the future?

Don’t think. Do eet!


Leo you really are too good for game journalism. I profoundly appreciate the respect you have for our medium.

A troll these days is someone who doesn’t agree with you I guess.

I’m sorry... I’m sorry. I know I’m using your fear and anger to amuse myself while trying to make my point.. I’m not proud of it and I apologize. The high road may not come in line with what ever Les Miserable situation you got cooked up in your head, but its made ME feel better about myself.

There is that righteous indignation!!! Good thing morality is on your side right? And good thing there aren’t any shades of grey on the topics. And its just a miracle that we live in Candy Happy Land.

Yes. The immigration ban is terrible and people will suffer. Yes the health care reforms coming can be seen as

Man people just LOVE putting people in little boxes here hunh?

The evidence is not ancetdotal. I thought it was pretty obvious that Gawker was left leaning. And yeah the diversity thing was a bit off. But I always enjoy a good helicopter as gender joke. Why does that I have to mean I don’t believe in diversity?

Now you know how everyone who isn’t blindly liberal feels when reading anything on Gawkernet. Whew the amount of sass... I can only imagine the blogger’s keyboards as smoldering plastic ruins after they get done writing an article.

oorrrrr maybe i’m a moderate that is sick and tired of all the side taking. And im outraged at BOTH sides just as much are you are against one. But you’re a gawkerlite, too far gone. If you want to take some more shots at me to pump up your self serving feelings of moral soundness, I can take them. As evidenced by

Dangit..... Shoot.....You mean I won’t get to leave my job in the actual industry? The one that hires me based on my portfolio?

Which is in itself kinda broken since there aren’t that many minorities capable or interested in the education. I try my best to reach out to them to come sign up for my program, but it

Did you just assume my political beliefs? For shame Mr. Left Wing.

Make sure you agree with them politically first before you apply otherwise you’re going to waste an email. Gawker likes its echo chambers. Bonus if you can tick off a missing check box of diversity. I think helicopters are still up for the taking.

And of course everyone will jump down my throat cause no one can

I can see that, but i don’t think its a big enough issue to damn the game’s direction.

Umm by the game doing chores around the house and taking notes for you during your business meetings. Can you be any more dense?

I liked moonhunters but the character mechanics felt too shallow for me to sink into.

YOU mean pixel art in an isometric Pwrspective? Is HLD the only game allowed to use that VERY broad aesthetic?