
This stopped being funny after 700 people made the exact same joke.

As my grandmother used to say, "what pussy-ass shit is this?"

He's a little too good at avoiding coverage, it seems

god you make us sound so awful. please change your name.

this was much more enjoyable than fan-shot videos from Giants games.

I was that that fucking game. I still can't watch these documentaries or read these articles. I still can't believe the team was that close to a World Series and didn't make it because that play — or, more accurately, because of Gonzalez's error. I seriously think Gonzalez should send Steve Bartman a hefty check every

Nice delivery by Costas, but I can't escape the feeling that he still came up short.

And I think here the message is twice as powerful because it's delivered by the controversial Notre Dame mascot.

As I've said before here, perhaps you should approach the next African-American you see and call him a "blackskin." Be sure to take notes on whether or not he finds it offensive.

Yanking a baseball from a woman's hands. This a-hole totally misinterpreted the meaning of "Boston Strong."

Under your definition, anyone who is a fan of the team from the area they were born in is a fan "by default." So I guess the only true fans are ones who bandwagon onto a winning franchise?

The Cardinals will politely win another World Series, and express their heartfelt sympathy for causing you more anger.

St. Louis will read this article as "author sounds butthurt."

Do you even iOS 7, bro?

I don't have a joke– I just love this picture and feel the need to bring it up whenever the Founder is brought up again.

Central Illinois Cardinal fans are the worst.

Way to be elitist.

Stop being a douche bag.

Who cares. They have a great relationship. That's all that matters. Good for them.

As a guy that lives and breathes Cardinals baseball, I should've loved what happened there, but that was one of the most gut-wrenching things I've ever had to endure. I feel the same about the whole Cubs/Bartman thing too.