
I've lived in Saint Louis for 12 years and outside Deadspin and the Internet in general, nobody here ever even talks about "morals" or "the right way" in regards to Sports teams at all. We're just like every other sports city, we mainly we just bitch about how terrible our NFL team is.

Cops aren't tasked or legally bound with attempting to escape confrontations with criminals. And your comment is woefully ignorant of actual law.

+1 old chap!

This just lends more credence to what we already knew. Saint Louis has the Best Felons in Baseball.

Please me this in reference to Charlie in the very first episode of Always Sunny.

EA sold Dark Age of Camelot to Broadsword Entertainment a few months ago.

In what universe is that regular speed?

Only if the buyer is aware the goods are stolen.

The line work on that tat is one of the worst I've seen in a long time. I can't believe he had to pay $80 for that.


While A-Rod might not think he needed a suspension, he most certainly will soon be needing suspenders.

He called the shit "poop'!

What is an OTB exactly?

The Sultan of Twat

Yea, especially when your parents could pick up the home phone line and kill the transfer. I can't even count how many times my Mom yelled at me because her friends kept telling her our home phone line was always busy.

Yep, I remember dialing up and playing my friends on our 14.4 modems. 1v1 deathmatch where in actuality a large portion of the time was spent running around the map looking for the other person so you could shoot each other, yet it was still amazing and addicting fun.

This looks eerily similar to the crane collapse of "Big Blue" during the construction of the Brewers' Miller Park.

The good news for Snyder is they'll save a ton of money on logo design.

This is also a well known issue for astronauts. Imagine you spend a dozen or more years studying, training, preparing for a mission. You go on an amazing mission to outer space. Then you come back down to Earth. What experience could ever possibly compare. Knowing nothing on Earth could possibly ever get you that