
On Gawker, 364 days out of the year, the only correct attitude is a groveling sort of self loathing about how we live in the most debased, despicable country in the history of civilization. I’m shocked this whole thread didn’t turn into a diatribe about the foulness of this hell spot we call America. If you give it a

Can you vote? Yes.

North Carolina dog, chili and cole slaw with onions and kraut, and mustard. And whatever the hell I want on it. Because America.

No, it’s weird. I’ve noticed it, too. I’m American and it’s not an American thing. It’s just a strange movie thing, and it drives me insane.

You’re cute. I promise, we say goodbye when we hang up the phone.

More realistic than Pennsatucky’s magical perfect teenage (?) boyfriend of respect and orgasms.

The reasons immune systems arent as robust is because we arent letting kids be kids anymore. Shit I had a lot more cuts scrapes and bruises at age 8 than any of these kids have ever had by age 15. Youre precious Xzandjer(the J is french and silent) is constantly sick at age 14 because he lived in a sterile protected

Every day I’m forced to add new names to the list of people who piss me off.

The disparity really is incredible. People in other countries walking an entire day without shoes to get to a clinic for a vaccination vs. these rich celebrities who are so priviledged they can afford to eschew them.

I would normally say something about correlation not implying causation about now but if you crunch the numbers it seems you are correct here. It’s scientific theory now. Batshittery begets batshittery.

Most of these are also Scientologists. I suspect if you asked Laura Prepon, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Giovanni Ribisi or Beck, they would be anti-vax as well.

While no scientific studies have clearly shown a link between vaccines and autism, I’m definitely seeing one between Scientology and anti-vaxxer lunacy.

hooo boy that was worth the glares from old people in this airport

So nobody really worth caring about, nice!


i.had.not but o.k. then.

Nobody made you click on this or spend time writing about why you wish you hadn’t. You know what? You’re really acting like your mother right now.

I don’t watch the show. You didn’t have to click this article.

are you aware you’re on the internet my friend