
And don’t forget!

wait i’m sorry

Why is Adam Sandler.

I hope Steve Buscemi adopts her.

This is a human

Oh my God. I think the worst part of that story is Russell getting all macho dickhead with the army kid. Can you imagine? “This isn’t your little pansy-ass ‘war,’ motherfucker, this is a CLOONEY FILM for fuck’s sake and if you can’t last in the big leagues then GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE and go back to putting your life

How the ever loving fuck does this dude keep getting jobs?!

“Delhi Should Combat Rape Problem By Hiring First Female Bus Driver confronting the culture of hateful, misogynistic male rapists.”

Yup. This is Clooney’s statement on the matter. It’s one side of the story, but it matches Russell’s reputation and Clooney has a good track record for being honest about pretty much anything aside from, perhaps, his romantic relationships, so I’m inclined to believe it.

On the other side of the spectrum, Russell also managed to make the relatively relaxed-seeming George Clooney so mad (also over the way he was treating other actors on set) that Clooney punched him. It seems like he has a talent for pissing off people at all points on the chill spectrum.

Every single day, that man looks more and more like an android wearing a skin suit.

I just want him to rejoin normal society. Welcome back welcome back welcome back

Wow you Jezebel psychos can’t take any criticism. I can’t understand how any of you lot could get a journalism degree, let alone a job. While we are on that note, don’t group everyone who isn’t white into the category “people of colour.” If you mean black, say black. Because guess what, I’m not white and I don’t have

Yeah, I thought the same thing when I read that part. Like, when you’ve reached the point where even Christian Bale is telling you to calm the fuck down, you clearly need to reevaluate your personality.

I mean, if Christian Bale thinks you’re being an asshole...

How about full lips have always just been desirable? I don’t think women of color have the market cornered on this. This is why lip product was even invented.

You . . . you touch yourself when you watch porn?! Oh my God, that’s the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard. Ugh, I thought I’d heard everything.

>tfw no gf

No way this is real letter.

Gotta love how all the judgment is thrown that the woman, and not at any of the 25 dudes who had sex with her, presumably quite well aware of what was going on.