Wow, funny, I remember thinking the same thing at the age of 17. In awe of my own wisdom. What a fucking joke that was. I didn't know shit and I should have enjoyed the view while it lasted.
Wow, funny, I remember thinking the same thing at the age of 17. In awe of my own wisdom. What a fucking joke that was. I didn't know shit and I should have enjoyed the view while it lasted.
Oh, fuck off, Maisie. We all remember what it was like to be 17. In fact, the reason we don’t care is that we’ve all been there. Complaining about it makes you sound like a spoiled brat.
Must be fun around set with her and Jon Snow. An endless contest to see who can take themselves more seriously.
She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena
She sounds like my daughter...she sounds like my daughter...GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
She’s right about this- most of us have forgotten what it’s like to be that age, and we don’t have a lot of patience for all the emotions that young people are going through.
Shit, at that point I think you might want to put your foot down. Either they let it go and stop bringing the subject up, or you stop spending time with them. On the phone, either they let you change the subject, or you hang up on them.
Apologies to anyone who actually read all that.
Thank you! I will try them as soon as I scrape up the cash! I dont LIKE using bottled, and if I can get a good filter I will be thrilled!
No, you. Pinkham was stating a simple fact. Corporations have one purpose: to make money. They're amoral. When they do nice things, it's for PR, which enhances profit.
Meh, I've never noticed anything like that, but my well pump and everything were replaced around 5 years ago so it's all pretty new. To me my tap water from the faucet just tastes like bottled water, but when I go to cities especially in hotels, I can absolutely taste chlorine and stuff. It doesn't necessarily bother…
My tap water tastes like shit, tho. I've tried multiple filters and they taste like filtered shit. So, since I'm trying to cut way back on the pop, that leaves bottled water. I'm out of ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another thing Nestle should stop doing: adding salt to their water. Like...come on now, what the fuck.
What is with people refusing to drink tap water? I get my water from a wellspring, and a few people have refused to drink it because there are little oxygen bubbles when it first comes out, which must mean it's "dirty". I just roll my eyes at them. The bottled water I keep is in case of power outages, not to sate…
So does California not *sell* the water to Nestle? Is it literally just that they've granted them access to the water to sell as they see fit (I presume there are regulations on how the water is collected and manufactured but not a price on the resource itself)?
The Nestle Corporation has come under fire recently for bottling and selling water during one of the most severe…