
What is she talking about? I did naht hit her, I did naht! Oh, hi Mark.

Where’s my money, Denny?

Right? What about those videos that pop up every now and then of a teacher getting physically violent with a student/student getting physically violent with a teacher? Is a gun being nearby really going to make that situation better?

Fun story: my first year, there was a parent who I was absolutely terrified of in the week leading up to conferences. He was this huge, ripped, shaved head, always angry looking guy whose child had some major behavioral issues. I was absolutely certain that the meeting was going to end with me either in tears or in

This thought has occurred to me many times over the last few years. What would I do if I was told to teach something I vehemently disagree with? The conclusion that I came to is “whatever would serve my students best.” If that means I pretend to teach the bullshit, then I pretend to teach the bullshit. If that

Right? I teach first grade. They are inquisitive and observant to the max, which combined with their complete lack of filter makes up a lot of why I love my job. For example, last year I got new glasses on a day I was taking off for my grandfather’s funeral. When I got back to class the next week, I had three

As a public school teacher, I love this. We are unable to be trusted to do our job and should probably be fired, but it’s a-ok for us to have guns with us all the time at work.

That_Other_Guy for NFL Commissioner!

Don’t worry, I’m sure before we wake up in the morning Trump will have tweeted out how well she handled herself in the face of the “biased liberal mainstream media”.

Don’t forget the brother of this one: “He beat it in XX:XX? Well when I was a kid, I once beat it in YY:YY!” Bonus points if the Y time is significantly lower than the world record for the game.

Enter Old Tristram at Level 1 and complete the whole thing, I believe in one sitting (took me an hour on Normal with a wizard). You get an achievement when you kill Diablo at the end if you did it right.

I am alternating between laughing and sobbing as I read this.

“will they rationalize it by saying they always knew that was a purely cynical play designed to win votes?”

Absolutely not. Even the rare few who are showing up in those scattered news articles stating their disbelief that the man they voted for will actually attempt to do the things he said he would (“He’s going to get rid of Obamacare? But my husband is on it! I thought he was just saying that to get elected!”), they

Wow, and to think instead of spending just the cost of each of the games and expansions when they came out starting with Civ III, I have spent well over $1000 with this model! I sure feel sorry for all the people who were suckered into buying them! -Stupid(er) FartCannonOnline from the universe where this sounds like

I live in Idaho, and I would be willing to put money on our state legislators putting forward a bill exactly like this, passing it through both houses immediately, and our governor signing it. With just how fucking red we are as a state, there is very little doubt that we try something like this.

I know! The other day I was in a hurry and didn’t look at which sign was on the bathroom I tried to go into at the mall, and thankfully the magical barrier on the women’s room repelled me across the hall before I could enter!

“You said Obama is a Christian. Going to a Christian church doesn’t make one a Christian.”

I know.... I’m super jealous.

Sounds like talk from someone who is way into the EVIL DRUGS. You are added to the list!