
Not to be outdone, Universal has announced an all female "Johnny Dangerously" reboot. Joe Piscapo has tweeted his availability to reprise his role.

I hate you

Remember when ABC rolled-out "Its Like You Know…." back in '99 and the world recoiled?

….so its essentially a ripoff of "Welcome to Me"? Will Helms also have a full frontal nude scene like Kristen Wiig?

Its by far my favorite Pixar movie. That playful fire extinguisher fight scene was adorable and my kids loved it. Solid family film all around.

Its OK but I would recommend renting "Irreversible" if you're looking for an excellent family film to see this weekend.

Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney?

Nothing will ever beat Michael's "Your dentist's name is Crentist?" line……..nothing!!!!!

"You spit in this?"

First Mike O'Brien gets fired from SNL and then he loses his drag gig on this show. The guy can't win

Dylan McDermitt or Dermont Mulrony (whomever answers the phone first)

Or is it Dermot Mulroney?

This festival sounds as made-up as the "First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence"

A cross between Mat Damon and the Toxic Avenger

Or better yet, just tune into Naked News for all your hard-hitting journalism. Their tasteful coverage of the Ferguson protest was reporting during a game of oiled-up nude Twister (one "reporter" was wearing glasses so……she was the smart one)

Did he lose his job in Rectify also? Love that show

Carnivàle….end of discussion. I'm pretty sure I was on candid camera watching that awful show.

Kind of orange? He's glow in the dark orange. Horrible makeup job.

He broke-up with her due to her ginormous forehead. End of story

Where is her upper lip?