
"Timeless isn't bigger on the inside" LOL!!! Haven't watched it yet, but will give it a go. Nothing can knock Doctor Who off it's pedestal.

Bring on Hiddleston, I say.

I watched a few in a row, and honestly, this show is so dark I turned it off now. Probably best if you watch one or two at the most at a time.

actually don't think they are gone. Just the screwdriver is back!

Tennant is one of the better known UK actors these days (Shakespeare and all); and going way back. Troughton and Jon Pertwee weren't too shabby either.

at least with Sansa most of it happened off screen and you only saw Theon's reactions and sound effects. And it only lasted 10 minutes. The rape scenes here took most of the whole episode. Sorry, but way too long and dragged out, just like the wedding episode.

yeah, there is. It's in the Highlanders series, where they introduce the Doctor's new Scottish companion, Jamie. The actor's name just happens to be Frazer Hines. Get it: Jamie, Fraser… Anyway the author of the Outlander books is a big classic Doctor Who fan and named Claire's new husband after a character in

You failed to mention he wrote most of the film "The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn" which Steven Spielberg directed. He left to go helm Doctor Who at the BBC, and two other very capable fellows tidied up his script. But if you are a Moffat fan you can recognize his writing in the dialog.  Moffat is a

The second series of Downton Abbey is wonderful, perhaps it's a bit predictable, but the characters are as charming as ever, and I LOVED IT.  Don't listen to these moaners, it's excellent television. Of course the first series is more fun because you are introduced to the characters, but this next season works really