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This is making my brain feel like I should throw up. I really need to catch up on some sleep this weekend.

I think WP is irritable about the fact that people ran to buy the hoodie in much the same way that people all bought Ford Explorers after the OJ Simpson low-speed chase.

Myhusband of 20+ yrs asked me to move out via email, while I was away at my sister’s last December. I moved into an apartment within three days and have been happier (with my new little adopted dog) than I can ever recall being before. It was such a freeing feeling, leaving behind so much junk, and oh yeah, him too,

I don’t know why but Kenan’s “what’s up with that?” Skit sends me into cry-laugh territory every time. It's so stupid!


Giving a shit about my physical appearance.

Who needs the Dewey decimal system when you can have aubergine?

Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with

Where is the “sponsored”/”commerce” tag please?

I don’t disagree. However, she also went on to lead a very successful career in part because she didn’t challenge abuse of power like this. Also, fuck that, an unconscious person getting fucked in your presence? And you MOCK them after? It means her whole persona and all her music is bullshit. She isn’t a powerful

“Their whole aesthetic was deliberately skanky— Runaways, jailbait, bad girls, tough girls, girls who wore black eyeliner and tight clothes and fuck you if you didn’t like it. Hard rock was not a genre that girls were welcome in back then, so what they had to do/be to fit in was... alla that.”

She gave a ‘moving tribute’ at his funeral.

What startles me is that Joan Jett was complicit in any of this. Maybe I’ve had the wrong impression of her.

Of course, he ALREADY has a story ready for his wife about “this crazy ex who won’t let go”.

This is so far-fetched I’m guessing we’re being trolled.

It always comes down to this.

Yes. I am whitish, and I talk to my African American lit classes about the complexities of my teaching the class. They usually say that my authority derives from my Ph.D. and is helped by my attitude. I think what bugs me here is that she’s substituting “experience “ for scholarship. I’m not saying that experience

i refuse to believe in sexual assault until LITERALLY EVERY WOMAN ON EARTH TAKES A SURVEY

Yeah, they probably need to lock that thing down, because I’m having too much fun with it.