And that’s what kidneys are for!
And that’s what kidneys are for!
I really hate this concept people have of our bodies being filled with unnamed “toxins” ready to kill us at any moment, and in order to ensure our survival, we have to go out of our way to “flush” them.
Umm, true story, I ran into an ex on a date once, and he was on a date too, and I spent the rest of the night in tears and the guy I was with never called me again.
Loose vagina is just what men say to make themselves feel better about having a skinny penis.
I'm guessing it's that horrible feeling when seaweed brushes against your feet and for a moment you think it's a swarm of piranhas. Off the coast of Devon. Don't judge me.
what is reason 72
If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.
ANNND... Now I'll be watching Amy Schumer clips all night. Cheers!
The absurdity that anyone would long for those days IS the joke.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you know that it takes more than just love to be in a successful long-term relationship.
Once again proving, gay marriage is just like straight marriage. Some last forever, some don't.
Countdown to comments in the conservative media such as "see, I told you so" . . . in 3. . . 2. . .
I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.
General Public Service Announcement:
Data is likely from the Census and question 10 on the long form census asks "What is this person's ancestry or ethnic origin?" Clearly in some parts of the country people wrote in mass "American" for whatever reasons (some of which are likely racist.)
Possible explanations:
I'm sorry but any bold-patterned wrap dress—no matter how expensive it is or what it's made of—just looks to me like some Merona shit I could get at Target. *shrug*
You know what? This is totally how Tom Haverford would get married. This looks like an extra straight out of Parks and Rec.
But he ISN'T affirming her choices. She's affirming his.
I think the audience is probably young feminists who are trying to figure out how hard a line they need to draw against chivalry / traditional gender roles in order to have an 'acceptable' feminist relationship.
Are you doing it right? (Seriously.)