farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Aren’t most trucks in Europe cabovers?

He should have called...

If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.

Mark Sandman from Morphine. In the midst of grunge becoming huge there was a band that was the polar opposite.

Thank you. I’m glad to see a plurality of compassionate posts here, in contrast with the... let’s call them “tone deaf” ones coming from people I can only assume have really not lived very long. Or, worse, have lived long enough and become the kind of people who scoff at and disdain a man in so much pain he opts for

I really, REALLY hate it when people say things like, “It’s a shame he didn’t choose to live...”

I wonder how differently that crash would have gone if the run-off at Eau Rouge was grass or had a few gravel traps. I wonder if either would have slowed the cars down at all or if they would’ve just skipped over them. I’ve heard having grass or sand might make other kinds of accidents worse, but I’m by no means an

wishing him best of luck. I can’t imagine the guilt he must have, even though he really was not to blame

Ok, so let’s start with prison for young Andrei. He may literally have deaths on his hands by stealing promised vaccines to give to his buddies. Second, let’s end the jobs and careers of the people who allowed this to happen in the first place.

“ . . . he and his fellow Trump supporters had been “having fun” taunting the teens—but also said he was relieved when McKinney shot them because the thought they might be armed.”

Panda’s are good! I once drove a Seat Marbella, and it indeed feels very zippy.

Probably still likely. Think German cars are very prone to the Monday/Friday car syndrome.

Two of my 3 most reliable cars were 90s Rovers with K series engines. Cars which in the UK are known for their shoddy quality and short lived engines.

Love the asymmetric grill.

I’ve always wanted a Panda.

At the rate the GOP has begun to backpedal on their outrage I can see him slipping out this one. First its let’s not impeach him for Unity and Healing. Then it’ll be lets not prosecute his accomplicies for Unity and Healing. Let’s let him run again for Unity and Healing. He’ll get his accounts back, donors will return

Israel has Motor City: