farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Every long haul flight should have a lavatory just for free post birth abortions.  Over international waters, flush that thing out of the plane the second it starts screaming.  Totally legal.

and 20 hours of Baby Shark

Anyone who takes a baby on that flight should expect child protection services waiting for them on the other end.


“While efforts have been made to make the sport greener (think hybrid engines),”

I was about 5000 hours into what should have been a 7200 hours apprenticeship, the end of which was at a dealership. I couldn’t touch my tools for months after I left that place. 

Stripping the wallpaper and putting several layers of Killz over a layer of carefully sanded drywall compound in the bathroom of my old house and still having the previous homeowners nicotine seep through was what probably broke me on indoor house painting.

Nah, okay to have things you don’t like to do. I hate painting inside of homes, I will pay/bribe others to do it.

I do it for myself, family, friends that are going to trade and need help to make it presentable. I am too much of a perfectionist to work at most quickie detail places.

I both admire and despise this man.

Yes they are! Perhaps that's why she's grinning while showing them off so professionally.

Nothing runs like a Deere!

I’m going to assume that in this other timeline that tragically means thankfully.

If maybe 10% of Trump’s voters turned and voted against him, that would be enough to get him out of office.

There is no timeline. The future is not written.

I don’t think we are in the worst timeline anymore. Somewhere out there the Republicans, galvanized by the 2018 red wave are now attacking President Sanders fitness for office after having a heart attack in office. Not only that, but whatever centrist, insider, midwestern Democrat he used to balance the ticket is

Nice? Nah it almost to me looks over styled, or like the person that styled it tried a little too hard with it.

Happy to oblige 😄