farscythe - makin da cawfee!

The usual

Sacre moo! Cette voiture est mon petit fromage!

Art Deco cars from the 30s definitely take the cake for best use of suicide doors.

America has the Phalanx

Prohibition is leading to bootlegging? Who could have ever foreseen?

Oh, good. Today I thought to myself, “I wonder what Geraldo thinks of all this?” Then I wondered, “Can I hit myself in the head and give myself amnesia?”

I tend to fix up my crapcans until they are nice.  

A hatchback specifically. No matter the car I have had asshats that will end up parked 6 inches away on both sides, in through the hatch.

Don’t park like this.

He’s done the British version of the Dubya trick- appeared so bumbling and vaguely charming that people forget he’s a manor born aristocrat (metaphorically not literally) 

Tell that to my friend’s fiancee and his family....he is sitting in the hospital right this very second with a lung infection that won’t go away and is resisting all forms of antibiotic. He didn’t vape any blackmarket THC. He has been vaping, normally and legally for about 2 years.

Brexit has always been about the rich wanting to make money and keep more of it.

Deliberate understatement, I’m not interested in re-litigating the issue.

Kids: can’t vote; can’t work. Fucking useless, amirite?

Mrs. Vargas and I are going to Vegas next month. Might have to grab one. I’m insured to the teeth, so it’ll be a nice surprise when she becomes a rich widow.

it’s astonishing because compared to 2008, 2016 might as well have been an episode of Teletubbies. as a reminder, in 2008 the Clinton party line was that all Obama Boys were a bunch of misogynist rapists-in-waiting following the orders of a secret muslim who ate dogs, and Clinton needed to stay in the race in case

Guess I’m the only big sap here. I saw this and immediately got choked up.

Someone needs to tell him about this amazing fuel-saving device that costs thousands less than all this junk they’re putting into cars now.

If half the comments say “Shut up, tomato” then you’re on Splinter.

That cartoon is still the most spot-on criticism of the climate change denier movement.