farscythe - makin da cawfee!

I wonder what could possibly have made Thomas Jefferson concerned about people being called racist? He must have slaved over writing those procedure documents and I just can’t quite put my finger on why he would be so worried about that. I feel like I’m missing 3/5ths of the issue here.

I really like this track and thought it was a good race. I’m getting tired of Vettel, too, and what almost seems more like a parade at times. At least we got to see some gritty challenges today and I’m starting to like this LeClerc kid.

I’m still on Seb’s side regarding the Canadian GP incident, but I agree with everything else you’ve mentioned here. 

The Max and Leclerc battle was enjoyable, so much clean fighting at high speed sections for those laps, honestly the best I’ve seen.

Would it hurt to avoid a site that you know covers Formula One if you don’t want it spoiled?

What they are saying is, they can’t afford fire related, and other mass produced recalls.

Apologizing for being right.

New friend? That kid looks more like: Mom said to behave but should I start screaming anyway?

That child won the ‘Side-eye of the Year”

You sound like my dad during my high school graduation.

KJU is going to fire off a missile just to humiliate Trump in 3, 2, 1... seriously, watch in the next few days. He fucks Trump every time and Trump just keeps going back to get more.

There’s little need to point out that North Korea is essentially a giant prison camp of a country.

Headline should be - “Trump Crosses Line”

His showmanship is impeccable. You gotta hand him that.

Here we see the hidden genius of maintaining the status quo of America’s struggling infrastructure: our drivers are more experienced with shitty roads while foolish Europeans are contending with things like potholes and poor road conditions for the first time!

I can safely say from experience that while there may not be one, there are several.

I love how pompous Americans are and the US is as a country by constantly referring to themselves as leaders of the free world. “President of the free world.”

Has anyone considered, and bear with me here, that Donald Trump may not be very intelligent?