farscythe - makin da cawfee!

“You know, some people say, ‘oh, well, the Trojans built a big beautiful wall.’ And it worked; it worked! They stood safe for thousands of years. They never had to worry about the illegal immigrants from the Greek Islands. It’s true! But do you hear the mainstream media talk about it? No, they only talk about the poor


“Trump to Europe: Go to hell”

At least in the US, a dentist’s willingness to put you under is often based on how big, and what type, of a practice they have. It’s fairly dangerous and easy to screw up so they’ll tend to only want to do it when absolutely necessary. There’s also a more greed based aspect to it, as it slows down how many patients

That’s intentional, matches the paint on the front of the truck.

I don’t see the problem here.

I made a resolution several years ago to stop making New Years resolutions and I have been able to stick with it.

Huh, I could have sworn that “Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day” starts on January 2nd.


Some home-delivery subscribers received their newspapers on time yesterday, many received them late

Here you go.

I'm surprised the cops didn’t shoot the black guy to “deny the perp a hostage.”

The republicans are separating families and killing children to create leverage against the left so they can get their wall. A wall that will do nothing but aggrandize trump’s ego. That is all.

I think having to stay in the White House instead of going to his resort is starting to make him really angry. Every day it’s bitching about the wall and how the Democrats are responsible for everything bad in the world.

Dear Federal Employees,

Time for parents & teachers to demand patriotism in our classrooms.

Fox thinks it's scary some classrooms don't force children to say the Pledge anymore. I think it's scary that any did. Ever.

It’s soooo accurate too

I was in Amsterdam shortly after 9/11 (super cheep tickets) and a couple grams was just 5 bucks.  That was cannabis cup winner weed too.

And once you’re there, you can’t wait to leave!