farscythe - makin da cawfee!

“I voted to leave the EU and all of the logistical and financial gains it brings the UK!

How was I to know we’d have logistical problems if we left the EU?!”

“I didn’t think he would do all of the things he promised” has to be among the stupidest reasons I’ve ever heard to vote for someone. 

Did they arrest the Clintons?

It blows my mind the sacrifices pro-lifers will make for the pre-born while they’re totally cool with a societal system that has made it financially burdensome for anyone but the rich to procreate, school systems that fail to properly educate while simultaneously endangering children, gutting social services for

He’s lucky it was figurehead GW he threw shoes at and not Cheney, he’d still be in some hole in Wyoming being waterboarded daily...

“Finally, a game I’m good at!”

I don’t think most people appreciate just how monstrous an insult that was. It’s rude to show the soles of your feet in Arab culture - the lowest part of your body, in contact with filth. You don’t even use your left hand to shake or eat, because that’s the hand you wipe with - that’s how big of a deal it is there.

A friend of mine’s hubby owned one of these:

Yep, I had one as an office car... Oddly enough the only good thing about it was the satisfying thunk when the doors shut. Went down hill from then on.

This girl had such a spark of joy inside of her. She was young, beautiful, loved to play with dolls, and dreamed of being a scientist someday. She chose her friends based on their individual qualities and not their races. THIS IS THE TYPE OF HUMAN BEING THAT WE NEED MORE OF IN THIS WORLD but no, the opposite happened.

I don’t think I can adequately describe how horrifying this is. That poor child. That’s all I can say. Rest well, sweet girl. 

Rest In Power McKenzie Nicole Adams.

Bullying takes such a toll on little ones’ mental health and when they don't feel heard, the effect is exascerbated. God rest her soul and grant her family peace.

Maybe she had a bear trap set up at the bottom of the stairs.  You never know where bears might show up.

Maybe stairs with plate glass and your hand goes thru?

Damn. My Dad had a SKULL. And it didn’t resemble me at all.

Now playing

So Andy Serkis released this today and I think it needs the obligatory “Don’t Have Nightmares” line from Crimewatch before you watch it.

Well, I mean, they ‘wing tipped’ them, not you know, ran into them full throttle.. At least, that wasn’t the intention.

I want to get paid just to be someone’s eyebrows.